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The 59th Annual VFW Lorraine Post 29 Santa Parade theme is Candyland Christmas!
Veterans of Foreign Wars Lorraine Post 29 is once again inviting residents to decorate their homes or apartments in a patriotic manner for the Memorial Day Challenge.
Want to know what our members were doing during a world wide pandemic in 2020? Check out a few news stories from the web showing you how active we were in helping our fellow Veterans both in and around our community.
National Commander in Chief Hal Roesch II bestowed the great honor to two of our members a National Title to further serve the VFW's mission to help Veterans, because "No One Does More For Veterans!"
The building on Kenoza Ave, that housed our Post for many years was sold in June of 2018. We are now at 576 Primrose St in Haverhill. Come on down. Check us out now!
Sponsorship of this webpage will allow us to help local Veterans within our community. Consider helping us and we will give you access to your own web page that you get to edit and control.
The summary of the article
This is the lead summary.
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Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse at turpis scelerisque, tincidunt enim eu, dapibus dolor. Praesent in arcu aliquet, viverra ipsum sed, ultricies mauris.
Donec placerat egestas nibh, at euismod nibh sodales varius. Vestibulum sodales arcu quis elementum rhoncus. Nunc sollicitudin egestas augue a rhoncus.
WASHINGTON - The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is proud to join the nation in honoring our nation's Black American service member...
WASHINGTON - On Jan. 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and i...